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Visual Signs of Poor Health That You Probably Ignore (But Shouldn’t)

We often think that being diagnosed with an illness such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke or cancer as something that happens out of the blue. That we are healthy one day then, suddenly, we are chronically ill the next. But did you know that our bodies give us warning signs of poor health long before we get diagnosed with disease?

Our bodies speak to us in subtle ways, ways that are often ignored or dismissed, until it’s too late.

Can you tell if your body is in danger? Here are some of the warning signs.

You’re Always Tired

Don’t dismiss exhaustion, paying attention to your fatigue just might save your life. Yes, life can make you tired and there is often so much going on that we can excuse being tired some of the time. But if you find yourself chronically exhausted and just aren’t able to pinpoint why, it might be a warning sign that there is something going on.

The list of conditions that can cause fatigue is lengthy and includes thyroid disorders, heart disease, anemia, depression, diabetes and psychological disorders, among others. If you are always tired it might be time to see your doctor for a regular check-up and further testing.

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Unsightly Nails

Your fingernails can tell you many things about your health, so pay attention to them. A horizontal line, called a Beau’s line, occurs due to past illness or poor nutrition. If you have spoon shaped nails, a condition called koilonychias, it could mean that have iron-deficiency anemia. If you have the above conditions and are also noticing that your nails are pale at the cuticle and reddish brown at the tip, it could mean that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

If you are frequently seeing abnormalities on your fingernails it is likely that you may be suffering from certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, or even kidney disease. It is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause and to and take the necessary steps to improve your health.

Cold Feet

Your feet are the farthest part of your body from your heart, and because of this, they are often the first place that vascular disease appears. Chronically cold feet, and hands too, are often linked to Raynaud’s syndrome, a disorder where the blood supply drains from fingers and toes.

Although it’s common practice to just put on a couple of pairs of socks and go about your day, getting checked out is important as Raynaud’s syndrome is linked to several autoimmune conditions such as progressive systemic sclerosis and mixed connective tissue disease.

Your Lips Crack, Especially at the Corners

If you find yourself dependent on an hourly dose if chapstick there may be more to the story than just chapped lips. Cracked lips is a symptom of a deficiency of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12.

If your lips are chronically sore it might be worth adding a daily vitamin, or some vitamin B rich foods, to your chapstick routine.

Inflamed Gums

Did you know that the same bacteria that cause gum disease can also cause heart disease? In addition, having more plaque in your mouth can lead to having more plaque in your arteries, which is a predictor of heart attack and stroke.

Inflammation is your bodies way of fighting off pathogens, it is also a warning sign that things may not be running as smoothly as they should. Thankfully, frequent dental cleanings can usually control gum disease if caught early enough. Your dental health is important and should not be ignored, as it is directly related to your overall health. Poor dental hygiene can predispose you to heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Cold Sores

Cold sores usually appear as tiny blisters on the lip. Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which is passed from person to person via skin contact or saliva. Approximately 8 out of 10 people have HSV-1, and most are infected by the time they are 10.

For most people, when they are infected, the virus is dormant in the nerves of the face. However, for some people the virus becomes active at times causing cold sores. Cold sore outbreaks can be triggered by stress, trauma to the lips, sun exposure, colds or fever.

HSV-1 can also affect the eyes, and skin on the fingers and genitals. However, most cases of genital herpes are caused by herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2).

You Snore

Snoring is a common sign of sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder which is characterized by the obstruction of the airways. Sleep apnea has many causes, however the most common cause of sleep apnea in adults is excess weight and obesity, which can put extra pressure on the airway and cause it to periodically become blocked during sleep. Smoking, alcohol and sedatives can also worsen sleep apnea, so taking a sleeping pill is not the best course of action.

Sleep apnea can increase your risk of heart disease, and subsequent heart failure. Other symptoms of sleep apnea include sore throat, occasionally waking up gasping, morning headaches, lack of energy, restless sleep and forgetfulness. If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea a sleep study is necessary for diagnosis.

You Have a Large or Colorful Mole

Almost everyone has a few moles, on average, anywhere from 10 to 45 of them. Most moles appear during childhood and adolescence, but it’s not uncommon to find new ones up until the age of 40. A mole is a dark brown spot on the skin caused by clusters of pigmented cells.

Moles are generally benign; however, if your moles are large or colorful it could mean that you have melanoma – the most common type of skin cancer. It can be difficult to determine if a mole is harmful on your own, however there are some signs that you can look for. Apply the A-B-C-D rule. Asymmetry, the mole should be symmetrical and round. Border, moles should not be irregularly shaped. Color, does the hue of the mole change across its surface. Diameter, anything larger than a pencil eraser can be worrisome. If you notice any of these signs it’s important to get checked out by a dermatologist to rule out anything serious.

Body Hair Changes

Body hair develops on people during and after puberty, as its growth is related to the level of androgens, or sex hormones, in the individual. It is normal for body hair to change gradually over time as we age, however a sudden increase or loss in body hair should not be ignored, as it could mean that you have a hormone imbalance.

In addition, if you are a woman and experience both excessive hair growth and irregular periods, you may be suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition where your ovaries become enlarged and contain small collections of fluid filled follicles. This condition causes several other symptoms including acne, weight gain and insulin resistance.

Unintentional Weight Loss

Weight loss tends to be something that people celebrate, and even complement others on. It can be excellent for your health and appearance, and can be a great accomplishment. However, if you have lost more than ten pounds with no diet or exercise changes you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Unintentional weight loss and changes in appetite can be a sign of many cancers, but this happens most often with pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and lung cancers; and is especially common with lymphoma and leukemia.

Your Waist is Bigger Than Your Hips

Overweight people tend to fit into two categories: pear-shaped and apple-shaped. While being overweight on its own may be an indicator of poor health, if you are part of the latter group it might come as a surprise to you that you are at a higher risk of heart disease than your pear-shaped friends.

Being apple-shaped can also put you at a higher risk for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, as abdominal fat causes naturally produced insulin to work less efficiently.

Bowel or Bladder Changes

If you have noticed a change in your bladder habits, such as having to urinate more often or feeling the strong urge to urinate without producing much urine, having troubles urinating, or having a weak urine stream it’s worth getting checked out. Changes in urination is an early warning sign of bladder cancer and prostate cancer.

If you have noticed a change in your bowel habits, it’s also worth getting checked out. While a bout of constipation is usually nothing to worry about, severe and persistent constipation could be due to an obstruction, and is a sign of colon cancer. In addition, if your stool takes on a very narrow or skinny shape, you should also be concerned, as there is a chance that something is restricting the colon, possibly due to polyps. Persistent diarrhea can also signal a problem.

Persistent Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common ailment, and in most cases, they flare up from time to time, but are nothing to worry about. However, if you have what appear to be hemorrhoids that do not respond to treatment, it’s important that you see a gastro intestinal specialist and have them checked out. Approximately 30% of patients with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory disorder of the gastro intestinal tract, have a form that only affects the anal region. In these cases, the disorder appears as fleshy growths, sores or ulcerations that can be easily mistaken for hemorrhoids.

This type of Crohn’s disease is the most painful and does not have a good prognosis. If left untreated, Crohn’s disease can lead to painful fissures, bowel obstruction and even colon cancer. Testing for Crohn’s disease involves having a blood test to check white blood cell counts and other markers of the disease.

You’re Always Anxious

Anxiety is often a symptom of another problem. It can result from a variety of mental health problems like panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and stress disorders among other things. Anxiety can also be caused by external factors such as stress or drug use.

While anxiety causes physiological problems in some people, it’s also possible for this relationship to go the other way. Anxious feelings can result from sex hormone imbalances, hyperthyroidism, adrenal tumors, and more. If you’re having a difficult time finding the cause of your constant anxiety it might be beneficial to get your hormones checked.

You Sleep Poorly

Poor sleep is a common thing that many people suffer from periodically throughout their lives, but it can also be a symptom of a bigger problem. The stress hormone, cortisol, fluctuates throughout the day, lowering at night, to allow your body to recharge and repair itself. High levels of cortisol at night can cause insomnia.

If you are under stress, your body releases adrenal hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which increase alertness and make it difficult to relax. Frequent or constant stress elevates these hormones and affects your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

If you feel like you are under a lot of stress, then this may be the reason for your poor sleep. Anything that helps you to relax will in turn reduce the levels of cortisol and allow you to sleep more peacefully. Being mindful of your moods and triggers can help you pin point what may be causing stress and help you to identify methods to reduce it. Relaxation techniques at night, such as meditation or deep breathing, may also help you sleep better.

You Have a Wide, Short, Round head

If you have a wide short head, then you may be at a higher risk of sleep apnea. People with short heads also have short airways, which are more easily obstructed. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which affected individuals have one or more pauses in breathing while they sleep. These pauses can last seconds to minutes and leave you tired, groggy, foggy and forgetful.

There isn’t anything that can be done about the shape of your head, but if you think you may be affected by sleep apnea, know that it is a common condition that can be easily diagnosed and treated with the help of your doctor.

Forgetting People’s Names

This happens to the best of us, but is it a reoccurring problem in your life? Stress and fatigue can cause memory lapses, but if you find yourself frequently forgetting people’s names, or even the items on your grocery list, you could be suffering from low levels of thyroid hormone. This can happen because without adequate amounts of thyroid hormone everything just slows down.

Other symptoms of hypothyroid include feeling cold, low libido, and food not tasting as good as it used to. People often don’t associate these feelings together or think that they are much of a problem, but if you feel that you live in a fog it may be time to visit your doctor.

You Have a Deep, Vertical Crease Down the Middle of Your Earlobe

Some studies have shown that people that have creases in their ear lobes are more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Scientists are not entirely sure why this relationship exists, but they have a theory that the crease shows a lack on elasticity, which also would affect your arteries. Aging is also a factor, as earlobe creases increase with age, so does the likelihood of developing heart disease.

You Have Hooded Eyelids

Hooded eyelids are naturally occurring in some families, however, the most common cause of drooping eyelids is aging, as the collagen in your skin breaks down and skin loses it elasticity. Most of the time hooded eyelids is purely a cosmetic issue, however if one or both eyelids are impairing your vision it should be corrected, as it can lead to astigmatism or permanent vision loss.

If only one eyelid is affected, or if aging is not the issue, there may be a more alarming reason for the droop. More serious causes for hooded eyelids include cranial nerve and brain injuries, such as brain tumor, stroke, aneurism and long term-diabetes. In addition, drooping eyelids can also be caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy.

Your Hair is Going Gray before 40

Silver, pewter, charcoal, salt and pepper – whatever color of the spectrum you end up on, gray hair happens to everyone at some point. This happens when color producing cells in your hair follicles stop producing pigment.

Going gray generally does not mean that you have a medical condition, except in rare cases. When you go gray will depends on genetic factors, but for some people, premature graying can be linked to other health problems. A vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause hair to turn gray. If this is the case, graying can be reversed when the problem is addressed.

You Have Short or Thinning Eyebrows

If you are losing hair from the outer edges of your eyebrows you may have an underactive thyroid. Your first instinct might be to pull out the eyebrow pencil, but if your eyebrows are thinning or have even disappeared, on the outer edge, it’s time to have your thyroid checked.

Once you are properly diagnosed and treated it’s very likely that your eyebrows will gradually grow back in.

Damage to Your Teeth

Dental damage is something that can happen for a variety of reasons, and when we think of dental decay and enamel wearing down, we often consider diet to be the culprit. However, while sugary foods and drinks will wear down your teeth, they tend to do the most damage to the front teeth. When enamel has worn down and damage is located on the teeth at the back of the mouth this is usually due to acid reflux.

Believe it or not many people who have acid reflux are asymptomatic until this detail is noticed by their dentist. Other subtle, but visible, symptoms of reflux include sore throat, coughing, and frequent foul taste in the mouth. If you, or your dentist, have noticed any of these symptoms it’s important to see a doctor to get your acid reflux treated. If left untreated acid reflux will not only cause tooth decay, it may also increase the risk of developing esophageal cancer.

You Have Pale Skin

If you’ve recently noticed that your skin is a few shades lighter than its regular tone, it could mean that your blood flow had reduced, or that your body is not producing an adequate amount of red blood cells. Skin pigment is a good indicator of health, and whether it’s a good idea to seek nutritional or medical advice from professionals.

Pale skin could also indicate anemia, a condition where your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is low iron levels. Iron is an important mineral, as your body needs it to make hemoglobin, the component of your red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout your body.

Other symptoms of anemia include fatigue, breathlessness, headache and dizziness. If you suspect that you have anemia it’s important to seek medical attention for both diagnosis and advice on supplementation.

There are Tiny Red Lines Under Your Fingernails

If you have small hemorrhages under your fingernails or toenails, and haven’t recently bumped or injured them, it could be a sign that something is not right.Tiny red streaks under your nails, also called splinter hemorrhages, are caused by broken blood vessels under the nail when small blood clots damage the capillaries. This can indicate a serious condition called endocarditis.

Endocarditis occurs when bacteria or other pathogens from one part of your body spread through the bloodstream and attach to the valves in your heart. Endocarditis, in its early stages, is treated with a simple course of antibiotics, however, if left untreated it can lead to life-threatening complications.

You Have Tripe Palms

This visual health sign is a problem that cannot be ignored. Tripe palms have an appearance similar to cooked tripe – the stomach lining of beef, sheep or pork. The skin of the palm becomes thick and velvety-white with pronounced folds in the lines of the hand.

Approximately 90 percent of cases of tripe palms are associated with cancer. Thankfully this disorder is very rare, however, if you have tripe palms, or even suspect that you do, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible.


Although there are medications to help, impotence is not something that should be treated simply or ignored. If someone is suffering from impotence, it’s vital that they get their heart checked out, especially if they have a family history of heart disease.

This is because the arteries in the penis are smaller than anywhere else in the body, and in many cases, impotence is one of the first warning signs of heart disease. In fact, men over the age of 45 who suffer from impotence are up to 60 percent more likely to be hospitalized for heart problems over a four-year period. It may be an embarrassing problem, but it’s important not to ignore this visual health sign and to have a thorough evaluation by your doctor.

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